Safety and Health

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Welcome to the Directorate of Safety and Health at Cihan University. Our commitment is to ensure a safe, healthy, and supportive environment for all members of our university community.


To promote and ensure the protec;on of human health and safety at the university by implemen;ng effec;ve safety and health programs, policies, and procedures.


To create a safe, healthy, and inclusive learning and working environment for all members of the university community.


  1. Prevent accidents and injuries: Reduce the occurrence of workplace accidents and injuries among students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
  2. Promote a healthy campus environment: Create a conducive learning and working environment that promotes physical and mental well-being.
  3. Comply with safety and health regulaGons: Ensure adherence to all relevant safety and health laws, regula;ons, and standards applicable to educa;onal ins;tu;ons.
  4. Foster a safety culture: Cul;vate a strong safety culture among the university community, promo;ng awareness, par;cipa;on, and accountability for safety.
  5. InvesGgate accidents and incidents: Conduct thorough inves;ga;ons of accidents and incidents to iden;fy root causes, implement correc;ve ac;ons, and prevent recurrence.
  6. Protect the environment: Promote environmental sustainability and reduce the university's environmental impact.


1. Develop and implement safety and health policies and procedures: Create comprehensive safety and health policies, procedures, and guidelines that align with university objec;ves and regulatory requirements.

2. Conduct risk assessments and hazard idenGficaGon: Iden;fy poten;al hazards in the university environment, assess associated risks, and implement appropriate control measures.

3. Provide safety training and educaGon: Conduct regular safety training programs for all members of the university community to enhance their knowledge and skills in safety and health maMers.

4. Inspect campus faciliGes and equipment: Conduct periodic inspec;ons of campus facili;es, equipment, and laboratories to ensure compliance with safety standards and iden;fy poten;al hazards.

5. InvesGgate accidents and incidents: Conduct thorough inves;ga;ons of accidents and incidents to determine the root causes, implement correc;ve ac;ons, and prevent future occurrences.

6. Monitor and evaluate safety performance: Track safety performance metrics, iden;fy trends, and implement improvement ini;a;ves to enhance safety performance.

7. Collaborate with other departments: Work closely with other university departments to ensure that safety and health considera;ons are integrated into all aspects of the university's opera;ons.

8. Promote a safety culture: Foster a posi;ve safety culture through various ini;a;ves, such as safety commiMees, employee recogni;on programs, and safety communica;on channels.

9. Stay updated on safety and health regulaGons: Keep abreast of the latest safety and health regula;ons, standards, and best prac;ces to ensure compliance and con;nuous improvement.

10. Provide advice and guidance: Offer expert advice and guidance to students, faculty, staff, and management on safety and health maMers.

11. Manage emergency preparedness: Develop and implement emergency preparedness plans and procedures to ensure a ;mely and effec;ve response to emergencies.

12. Coordinate with external agencies: Collaborate with local health authori;es, emergency services, and other relevant agencies to ensure effec;ve safety and health management.

13. Promote environmental sustainability: Implement programs and ini;a;ves to reduce the university's environmental impact and promote sustainable prac;ces

Directorates Contact Info

Safety and Health

+964 750 188 2805
[email protected]