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the College of Nursing, Cihan University-Duhok, successfully concluded the "Heart Saver and First Aid 2

On August 15th, 2024, the College of Nursing, Cihan University-Duhok, successfully concluded the "Heart Saver and First Aid" course, delivered as part of the "Zakat Al-Ilm" Program, an initiative aimed at promoting knowledge and skill development within the community. The course was led by Dr. [Layla M. Salih], Head of the College of Nursing, and was designed to provide advanced training in essential first aid practices. Over the course of one week, participants, specifically teachers from both primary and secondary schools, engaged in an intensive program that combined both theoretical knowledge and practical training. The curriculum covered critical areas of first aid, including the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), effective wound management, and the implementation of emergency response techniques. The course aimed to equip educators with the skills necessary to manage health emergencies that could arise in educational settings, thereby enhancing the safety and well-being of students under their care. The course also emphasized the importance of timely and effective intervention, reinforcing the role of teachers as first responders in school environments