Jul 3, 2024 | News
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Participation of the University of Cihan-Duhok in a workshop entitled (Combating Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism)

Participation of the University of Cihan-Duhok in a workshop entitled (Combating Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism): Today, on 3rd July- 2024, Cihan University - Duhok, in cooperation with the Independent Commission for Human Rights in Duhok and with the support of the Swedish Salar Foundation and the Iraqi Irfad Foundation, participated in organizing a workshop entitled (Combating Violent Extremism Leading to Terrorism), in the presence of the Deputy Governor, Mr. Shimon Shalimon. ) and Mr. Deler Abdullah, Director of the Office of the Independent Commission for Human Rights, and a group of directors and representatives of relevant government departments. This workshop aims to develop a road map to combat extremism within the framework of the National Committee to Combat Extremism at the level of Iraq. At the end of the workshop, a higher committee was formed at the level of Duhok Governorate to work on The workshop programme. Cihan University - Duhok was chosen as a primary member of this committee. It is the only university in this committee at the level of universities in Duhok Governorate. In this workshop were given seminars on the topic of extremism by: 1- Asst. Prof. Dr. Reber Hussein Youssef/ Dean of the Faculty of Law at Cihan University - Duhok, entitled (The Legal Confrontation to Combat Extremism). 2- Mr. Badr Gamal and Mr. Ali entitled (Confronting Extremism from a Psychological Perspective).