Oct 5, 2022 | News
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A symposium entitled: The Impact of Tecchnological Development on Children

Today on (Oct 5, 2022) in the presence of the head of departments and lecturer a symposium entitled (The Impact of Tecchnological Development on Children), was presented by Assistant Lecturer (Ms. Wafaa Ali Kader) from the public education department , Where it has been explained about The technological development witnessed by our contemporary world has resulted in many useful inventions that have begun to enter into the details of our daily lives and which have become an integral part of the necessities of life as it cannot be dispensed with. Especially on the child
Excessive use of technology has caused children to increase their fat percentage, in addition to decreasing their sleep hours, and vice versa. Kids who used technology 3 to 4 hours a day were 50 percent more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as smoking or drug use.

Necessary steps by parents to reduce the use of the Internet for children
How do you act to reduce digital toxins and treat internet and phone addiction? ...
- Scheduling times of phone and internet use...
Turning off the phone at certain times...
Don't put the phone near the bed...
- Replacing the mobile phone with healthy activities ...
- Remove social media apps...
Curb curiosity

, At the end of the symposium a set of questions and answers were raised on this subject