تێلەفون +(964) 750 188 2805
نویترین نوچە

دوماهیک دەنگوباس و چالاکی

13 October 2024

A symposium entitled: Modernism

13 October 3:00 pm - 13 October 2024 3:30 pm Hall No: 216
13 October 2024
12 October 2024

A symposium entitled: Cardiovascular Disease Prediction with Machine Learning

12 October 2:30 pm - 12 October 2024 3:00 pm Hall No: 216
بخێرهاتنا تە دکەین ژ بو پتر ئاگەهداربوون لسەر چاوانیا وەرگرتنێ ل زانکویا جیهان - دهوک

چەوانیا پێشکێشکرنێ

President's Weclome Message

Dear Students:
To develop your scientific abilities, Cihan University provides you with a unique academic environment through the use of many basic requirements as well as specialized and efficient faculty members to elevate your capabilities and help you compete in the labor market in all sectors whether inside or outside the region, since the medium of instruction in our university is English. Thanks to the Kurdistan regional government and the ministry of higher education for their support to make the university more productive and successful. In our strategy, we believe that universities aim at leading the country in research and education
a most important issue in the higher education sector, we believe in competing with other academic institutions.
Finally, we trust that building our higher education capacity is not a luxury, but a necessity in order to use our potentials to bring sustainable development to our country and community.

ستافێ مە یێ ئەکادیمی ببینە

ستافێ مە یێ پسپور

گشت فەرمانبەران ببینە
بەشێ ژمێریاری
Assistant Lecturer
بەشێ پەروەردا گشتی
بەشێ پەروەردا گشتی
Assistant Lecturer
بەشێ ژمێریاری
Assistant Lecturer
بەشێ کارگێری کار
Assistant Lecturer

Cihan Group Members