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Nov 1, 2022 | دەنگ و باس
سەرەکی > گوتار > دەنگ و باس > A symposium entitled: Secure data on the cloud storage
A symposium entitled: Secure data on the cloud storage

Today on (Nov 1, 2022)  in the presence of the University President Assist Prof. Dr. (Zeravan Abdulmohssen Assad) also in the presence of the head of departments and lecturer a symposium entitled (Secure data on the cloud storage), was presented by the Assistant Lecturer (Mr. Saif Saad Alnuimi) from the Computer Science department, Where it has been explained about With easy access to cloud technologies and rich applications, more people tend to store their data in the cloud. However, the data in the cloud have to face privacy and security challenges. To enforce the privacy and security protection of data in the cloud, Slice-based Secure Data Storage in a Multi­-Cloud Environment. Web Services are a more advanced technique to deal with cloud services which have facilitated the network space to render anywhere access to software and application services, social media services, online file, and document sharing and personalization, and many more options. Given this, the cloud services providers have in many respects provide two of the most dominant Web Services APIs to developers and consumers in the form of SOAP and REST. We can make use of those web services and form our Virtual SAN network using free space on public clouds, At the end of the symposium, a set of questions and answers were raised on this subject