Mar 31, 2022 | اخبار
الرئيسي > مدونة > اخبار > Cihan University - Duhok receiving several teachers and students of Mitan Private Institute in Duhok
Cihan University - Duhok receiving several teachers and students of Mitan Private Institute in Duhok

Cihan University -Duhok and attention to educational institutions:

Cihan University-Duhok, following the initiative and recommendations of Prof. Zeravan Abdulmohsen Asaad, the President of the University, received several teachers and students of Mitan Private Institute in Duhok, strengthening relations with the institutions and institutions affiliated with both the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education to continue the exchange and benefit from each other's capabilities, then conducted a tour of the departments, units, laboratories and university environment. Finally, the staff of the institute presented the logo of appreciation to the university presidency for the university's contribution to education sector institutions, especially for the past five years.