Jul 23, 2017 | نشاط
الرئيسي > مدونة > نشاط > Cihan University - Duhok is pleased to announce the opening free training courses for high school
Cihan University - Duhok is pleased to announce the opening free training courses for high school

Announcement for all high school students Cihan University - Duhok is pleased to announce the opening free training courses for high school students for below subjects:         1. Mathematics - Warhel Ahmed / Bjara Preparatory Typical School         2. English – Khairi Kheyath / Warar Preparatory Typical School Course will begin on Tuesday July 25th, 2017 at 9:00 am at Cihan University – Duhok campus. For registration send your name via SMS message to ‎+964 751 771 6101 Note: Courses fees are free