Aug 15, 2022 | اخبار
الرئيسي > مدونة > اخبار > CCNA Network Course
CCNA Network Course

Cihan Charitable Foundation continues to provide voluntary educational services:

To take advantage of the summer vacation and provide more services to the different layers of society, Cihan University - Duhok, on 15/8/2022, opened a course entitled: "CCNA Network Course", by the Communications and Information Technology Center of Cihan University - Duhok, which will last for three weeks, the participating fees cost 35$ for each student. The first lecture was given by (Assistant Lecturer Mr. Bilal Hikmat Rasheed), which was an overview of the basic of networking and what CCNA means, and what it contained. The course's program and themes were discussed. After completing the course, the participants will receive certificates of participation in the mentioned course.